Interested in a CLEP Leadership Position?

The Council of Logistics Engineering Professionals (CLEP) annual nomination season for Board of Officers is now open! Each year CLEP holds elections for new officers, staggered for the different positions. As this is the “Odd-Year Cycle”, the Board of Officer positions to be elected for the 2025-2027 term are:

  • Vice President – Communications
  • Vice President – Operations
  • Vice President – Membership
  • Vice President – Administration

The term for the 2025-2027 Board of Officer positions is two years, beginning on October 1, 2024 to October 1, 2026. Candidates must be a CLEP member in good standing.

The nomination period will close on August 15, 2024. Our process is “Self-Nomination.” If you are interested in an open position, please submit your self-nomination to the CLEP Nominations Committee along with a short Bio (500 words).  Our CLEP President, Mr Bill Horne, is the Nominations Committee Chairperson. He can be reached at:

Officer Position Descriptions

Vice President Communications

The VP Communications serves as the focal point for all communication efforts to its members and Officers, and to the logistics community in general. These activities include:

  • Coordinating publication of newsletters and website blog posts
  • Managing journals and technical publications
  • Organizing public relations, advertising, and web site development and maintenance.

The newsletter editor can chair a sub-committee organized by the VP Communications.

The VP Communications ensures that all Members are informed of CLEP activities, decisions of the BoO, and coordinates with VP Education to bring Webinars or other communication techniques for training and education to the membership.

Vice President Operations

The VP Operations shall perform such duties as may be delegated by the President and may also serve as President in his/her absence. This position oversees CLEP’s Bylaws and Operations Plans (policy and procedures) and updates as needed. All revisions are presented to the Board and the membership as recommended, and changes are voted on for final approval.

The VP Operations supervises the maintenance and record keeping of retail items and ensures these sales are carried out at CLEP activities. The VP Operations also coordinates the formation of new chapters of CLEP in conjunction with VP Membership and coordinates the efforts to develop Chapter Policy and Procedures for local unique activities or requirements.

Vice President Membership

The VP Membership establishes programs and policies for the purpose of expanding membership in CLEP. This position provides literature and application forms to chapter members with prospectus, promotes CLEP recruitment efforts, and establishes a follow-up system to ensure maximum renewal activity of existing members.

The VP Membership works with the VP Communications to publicize membership activity, helps in the establishment of local or regional Chapters, maintain communication and liaison with Chapters, and provides biographies of new members to the CLEP newsletter. The VP Membership shall also maintain a complete membership database, while ensuring confidentiality of members personal information.

Vice President Administration

The VP Administration attends all meetings called by the President or the Board of Officers and shall keep a correct record of all the transactions at such meetings. This position is the custodian of the CLEP records.

The VP Administration may also be asked to perform such other duties as pertain to the office and will carry out all requests as required by the members of CLEP or the Board of Officers.

Interested In Running For A CLEP Leadership Position?

The term for the 2025-2027 Board of Officer positions is two years, beginning on October 1, 2024 to October 1, 2026. If interested in a self-nomination, please contact Bill Horne, the Nominations Committee Chairperson. He can be reached at:

PDF Icon Letter From Our CLEP President on Annual Elections