In support of CLEP’s goal of continuous professional development for logisticians throughout their careers, CLEP maintains a robust but attainable recertification program.

CLEP uses the Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 5000.66 “Defense Acquisition Workforce Education, Training, Experience, and Career Development Program” as our guidance for CLEP Defense Acquisition Life-cycle Logistics recertification requirements. This DoDI instruction is further explained in the “Defense Acquisition Workforce Program Desk Guide.” Our renewal fee is $25.00.

All CLEP certifications have a recertification requirement of eighty (80) Continuous Learning Points (CLP) every two years. Our goal is for CLEP-certified logisticians to gain a regular forty (40) hours per year CLPs. These CLPs may be earned through a range of educational opportunities including both learning and teaching events. Table one shows our guidelines for earning CLPs.

Table 1 - Continuous Learning Points (CLP)

Creditable Activities
CLP Points Credit
Learning Activities
DAU Courses / Modules10 per CEU (see DAU iCatalog)
Awareness Briefing/Training- no testing or associated assessment .5 point per hour of instruction
Continuous Learning Modules -testing or associated assessment 1 point per hour of instruction
Other Functional Training1 point per hour of instruction
Leadership or Other Training1 point per hour of instruction
Equivalency ExamsSame points as awarded for the course
Educational Activities
Quarter Hour10 per Quarter Hour
Semester Hour15 per Semester Hour
Continuing Education Unit (CEU)10 per CEU
Equivalency ExamsSame points as awarded for the course
On-the-Job Experiential AssignmentsMaximum of 20 points per year
Logistics areas of proficiency1-3 points per associated task
Rotational AssignmentsMaximum of 40 points per 2-year cycle
Training With IndustryMaximum of 40 points per 2-year cycle
Special Project LeaderMaximum of 15 points per year
Special Project MemberMaximum of 10 points per year
Mentor (Formal Mentoring Program)Maximum of 5 points per year
Professional Activities
Professional Exam/License/Certificate10-30 points
Teaching/Lecturing2 points per hour; maximum of 20 points per year
Symposia/Conference Presentations2 points per hour; maximum of 20 points per year
Workshop Participation1 point per hour; maximum of 8 points per day and 20 points per year
Symposia/Conference Attendance.5 point per hour; maximum of 4 points per day and 20 points per year
Publications10 to 40 points
Creditable Activities
Point Credit
Reference: Implementation of the Continuous Learning Policy for the Department of Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Workforce (DoD AT&LWF)


Acceptable documentation for proof of CLPs includes any of the following. All events and activities must have occurred over the previous two years in order to count towards recertification:

  • For Learning Events
    • Course Completion Certificates
    • Company Training Records (accompanied with a letter of verification on company letterhead)
  • Educational Activities
    • Course Completion Certificates or Diploma
    • School Transcripts
  • Experience
    • Letter of verification from supervisor documenting professional experience.
  • For Instructional Events:
    • Company verification of number of instructional hours on company letterhead.
  • Professional Events
    • Copy of Professional Exam/License/Certificate
    • Completion certification for workshops attended/conducted.
    • Documentation on conducting or participating in symposia/conference presentations.


Further guidance on Continuing Education Units (CEU) and CLPs may be found at the following reference sources:

  1. American Council on Education (ACE)
  2. Council on Occupational Education (COE)
  3. Department of Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Workforce (DoD AT&LWF)
  4. International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET)

Or see our Training FAQs page.
