CLEP Board of Officers Nominations

Interested in a CLEP Leadership Position? The Council of Logistics Engineering Professionals (CLEP) annual nomination season for Board of Officers is now open! Each year CLEP holds elections for new officers, staggered for the different positions. As this is the “Odd-Year Cycle”, the Board of Officer positions to be elected for the 2025-2027 term are: […]

Lunch ‘n Learn Webinar: Generating Outcomes with Performance-Based Logistics

CLEP's next Lunch n' Learn webinar will be held Wednesday September 18, Noon - 1:15PM EST. The topic is "Performance Based Logistics."  Our presenter will be Mr. Gerry Brown of the University of Tennessee. His colleague Mr. Bric Wheeler, also of the University of Tennessee, will be in attendance at this webinar.  Abstract Critical weapons systems face pressure […]